
Assistant Professor
Concordia University


  1. J. Bramburger.
    Data-Driven Methods for Dynamic Systems.
    Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM), accepted
    [Code Repository]



  1. J. Bramburger and G. Fantuzzi.
    Data-driven discovery of invariant measures.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480, (2024) 20230627
    [Code Repository]
  2. D. Hill, J. Bramburger, and D. Lloyd.
    Dihedral rings of patterns emerging from a Turing bifurcation.
    Nonlinearity 37, (2024) 035015.
    [Code Repository]
  3. Z. Nicolaou and J. Bramburger.
    Complex localization mechanisms in networks of coupled oscillators: two case studies.
    Chaos 34, (2024) 013131.
    [Code Repository]
  4. J. Bramburger and G. Fantuzzi.
    Auxiliary functions as Koopman observables: Data-driven analysis of dynamical systems via polynomial optimization.
    Journal of Nonlinear Science 34, (2024) 8.
    [Code Repository]
  5. K. Kaheman, U. Fasel, J. Bramburger, B. Strom, J.N. Kutz, and S. Brunton.
    The experimental multi-arm pendulum on a cart: a benchmark system for chaos, learning, and control.
    HardwareX 15, (2023) e00465.
    [Video Abstract] [Code Repository] [Data and CAD Files]
  6. J. Bramburger and M. Holzer.
    Pattern formation in random networks using graphons
    SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55, (2023) 2150-2185.
  7. A. Chernyavsky, J. Bramburger, G. Fantuzzi, and D. Goluskin.
    Convex relaxations of integral variational problems: pointwise dual relaxation and sum-of-squares optimization
    SIAM Journal on Optimization 33, (2023) 481-512.
  8. D. Hill, J. Bramburger, and D. Lloyd.
    Approximate localised dihedral patterns near a Turing instability.
    Nonlinearity 36, (2023) 2567-2630.
    [Code Repository] [Cover Article] [DSweb Feature]
  9. K. Kaheman, J. Bramburger, J.N. Kutz, and S. Brunton.
    Saddle transport and chaos in the double pendulum
    Nonlinear Dynamics 111, (2023) 7199-7233.
    [Code Repository]
  10. M. Tian, J. Bramburger, and B. Sandstede.
    Snaking bifurcations of localized patterns on ring lattices.
    IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86, (2021) 1112-1140.
  11. J. Bramburger, S. Brunton, and J.N. Kutz.
    Deep learning of conjugate mappings.
    Physica D 447, (2021) 133008.
    [Video Abstract] [Code Repository]
  12. J. Bramburger and C. Henderson.
    The speed of traveling waves in a FKPP-Burgers system.
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 241, (2021) 643-681.
    [Code Repository]
  13. J. Bramburger.
    Isolas of multi-pulse solutions to lattice dynamical systems.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh A 151, (2021) 916-952.
  14. J. Bramburger, J.N. Kutz, and S. Brunton.
    Data-driven stabilization of periodic orbits.
    IEEE Access 9, (2021) 43504-43521.
    [Video Abstract] [Code Repository]
  15. J. Bramburger.
    Exact minimum speed of traveling waves in a Keller-Segel model.
    Applied Mathematics Letters 111, (2021) 106594.
  16. J. Bramburger and D. Goluskin.
    Minimum wave speeds in monostable reaction-diffusion equations: sharp bounds by polynomial optimization.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476, (2020) 20200450.
    [Video Abstract] [Code Repository]
  17. J. Bramburger, D. Dylewsky, and J.N. Kutz.
    Sparse identification of slow timescale dynamics.
    Physical Review E 102, (2020) 022204. [Video Abstract] [Code Repository]
  18. J. Bramburger and B. Sandstede.
    Localized patterns in planar bistable weakly coupled lattice systems.
    Nonlinearity 33, (2020) 3500-3525.
  19. J. Bramburger and B. Sandstede.
    Spatially localized structures in lattice dynamical systems.
    Journal of Nonlinear Science 30, (2020) 603-644.
  20. J. Bramburger and J.N. Kutz.
    Poincaré maps for multiscale physics discovery and nonlinear Floquet theory.
    Physica D 408, (2020) 132497.
    [Video Abstract] [Code Repository]
  21. J. Bramburger, J. Cuevas-Maraver, and P.G. Kevrekidis.
    Vortex pairs in the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
    Nonlinearity 33, (2020) 2159-2180.
  22. J. Bramburger.
    Ultracontractive properties for directed graph semigroups with applications to coupled oscillators.
    Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 63, (2020) 13-30.
  23. J. Bramburger.
    Stable periodic solutions to lambda-omega lattice dynamical systems.
    Journal of Differential Equations 268, (2020) 3201-3254.
  24. S. Alexander, J. Bramburger, and E. McDonough.
    Dark disk substructure and superfluid dark matter.
    Physics Letters B 797, (2019) 134871.
  25. J. Bramburger, D. Altschuler, C. Avery, T. Sangsawang, M. Beck, P. Carter, and B. Sandstede.
    Localized radial roll patterns in higher space dimensions.
    SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18, (2019) 1420–1453. [Code Repository]
  26. J. Bramburger and F. Lutscher.
    Analysis of integrodifference equations with a separable dispersal kernel.
    Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 161, (2019) 127-151.
  27. J. Bramburger.
    Rotating wave solutions to lattice dynamical systems II: Persistence results.
    Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31, (2019) 499-536.
  28. J. Bramburger.
    Rotating wave solutions to lattice dynamical systems I: The anti-continuum limit.
    Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 31, (2019) 469-498.
  29. J. Bramburger.
    Stability of infinite systems of coupled oscillators via random walks on weighted graphs.
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372, (2019) 1159-1192.
  30. J. Bramburger, B. Dionne, and V.G. LeBlanc.
    Zero-Hopf bifurcation in the Van der Pol oscillator with delayed position and velocity feedback.
    Nonlinear Dynamics 78, (2014) 2959-2973.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. J. Bramburger, S. Dahdah, and J. Forbes.
    Synthesizing control laws from data using sum-of-squares optimization.
    2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2024.
    [Code Repository]

Conference Reports

  1. J. Bramburger.
    Data-driven system analysis using polynomial optimization and the Koopman operator.
    Oberwolfach Reports 35, (2024) 33-34.
  2. J. Bramburger, C. Budd, J. Hu, and A. Wan.
    Structured machine learning and timestepping for dynamical systems (24w5301).
    BIRS Report, (2024).
  3. J. Bramburger.
    Localized patterns on graphs: The influence of dimension and topology on pattern formation.
    Oberwolfach Reports 37, (2021) 16-17.

Outreach and Public Interest Articles

  1. J. Bramburger.
    The emerging utility of graphons in applied math.
    SIAM News 56, (2023).
  2. J. Bramburger.
    Patterns and waves in theory, experiment, and application.
    Snapshot of Modern Mathematics from Oberwolfach (2023).

